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Masteroppgåver ved Havforskingsinstituttet f.o.m. våren 2024

Her finn du moglege masteroppgåver ved Havforskingsinstituttet frå våren 2024 og utover, sortert etter forskingsgruppe. 

NB! Det må etablerast kontakt med ein internrettleiar ved universitetet så snart som mogleg i dei tilfelle det ikkje allereie er angitt.
Contact must be established with an internal supervisor at the university as soon as possible in cases where it is not already stated. 

FG Bentiske ressurser og prosesser – Benthic resources and processes

Kontaktperson: Carsten Hvingel (carsten.hvingel@hi.no)

Beiteeffekten av kongekrabbe på bløtbunnssamfunn 

Kongekrabben er en av verdens største tifotkreps og ble introdusert i Barentshavet på 1960-tallet. Siden har krabben blitt til en viktig økonomisk ressurs langs norskekysten. Men den har også blitt ansett som en trussel mot naturlig forekommende fauna, siden den er en aktiv predator på blant annet muslinger, sjøstjerner og børstemark.

Havforskningsinstituttet har som mål å overvåke beiteffekten av kongekrabben som en del av sin bestandsrådgivning. Prosjektet vil bli et samarbeid mellom HI og UiT, med veileder fra begge instituttene. Masterprosjektet har som mål å sammenligne fauna fra grabbprøvene (skal tas i 2024) med tidligere undersøkelser i indre og ytre Porsangerfjorden, eventuelt Varangerfjorden, med bakgrunn i ulike tettheter kongekrabber. Prosjektet skal spesielt se på bentisk artsmangfold og biomasse, eventuelt funksjonell sammensetning og sekundærproduksjon. Resultatene fra oppgaven skal gå inn i framtidig overvåkning.

Som masterkandidat vil du bidra til metodeutvikling til overvåkningen og få erfaring innafor et tema relevant for fiskeri- og naturforvaltning. Avhengig av dine interesser og kvantitative evner, vil du få god kunnskap i identifikasjon av ulike bentiske faunagrupper, studiedesign og dataanalyse/statistisk analyse. Planen er at studenten skal delta i feltarbeid (kongekrabbetokt) i 2024. Det vil være en fordel om studenten har noe erfaring i taksonomisk arbeid.

Kontaktpersoner: Mona Fuhrmann (mona.maria.fuhrmann@hi.no) og Ann-Merete Hjelset (ann.merete.hjelset@hi.no)

Bestandsvurdering av dypvannsreke i Barentshavet

Dypvannsreke er en kommersiell og økologisk viktig bestand i Barentshavet, der bestandsvurderingen skjer gjennom ICES (Det internasjonale havforskningsrådet) og NAFO/ICES Pandalus Assessment Working Group. Selv om den nåværende bestandsmodellen antas å fungere bra og tilstanden av bestanden er god, har vi fortsatt mange spørsmål om bestandsdynamikk, data som blir brukt i bestandsmodellen, og selve bestandsmodellen.

HI har som mål å forbedre den nåværende bestandsmodellen ved å 1) analysere den romlige bestandsdynamikken over tid, 2) vurdere estimeringsmetoder for de ulike bestandsindeksene (fra økosystemtokt og fangstrate fra fiskeri) og 3) utvikle en rekrutteringsindeks basert på tidsserier av lengdedata. Som masterkandidat vil du bidra til ett av disse temaområder avhengig av dine interesser og kvantitative evner. Arbeidet vil gi grunnlag for en forbedring av bestandsvurderingen av dypvannsreken og rådet fra ICES. Det vil være muligheter for kandidaten til å delta i relevant feltarbeid. 

Kontaktperson: Fabian Zimmermann (fabian.zimmermann@hi.no)

Intertidal colonization and mortality of early life stages of Mytilus edulis over a salinity gradient

The blue mussel (M. edulis) has external fertilization where eggs and sperms are shed directly from the genital ducts into the water column. The fertilized egg undergoes several different larval stages before metamorphosis ends the pelagic life. The larvae growth is affected by temperature, salinity and food ration, and the duration of the pelagic phase is normally between 3 to 5 weeks. Mortality during the larval phase is high, primarily due to predation, but extremes in temperature and salinity and food shortage also contribute. 

Most bivalve larvae are able to settle when they reach 250 to 300 µm in shell length, yet final settlement may not occur until the post larva reach 2 mm. The larvae show different behavior to different substrates and are understood to be able to discriminate between habitats. Settlement is difficult to measure in the field and is normally inferred from recruitment data post settlement (days to weeks). Little is known on the mortality and growth of post settled mussel in natural habitat.

The IMR has started to monitor the abundance of mussels over a fjord to coast salinity gradient. These observations indicate recruitment of mussels to the full gradient, yet adult mussels are mainly observed in the less saline inner and mid-section of the gradient. This point to high mortality of the early life stages of mussels in coastal areas. 

In this MS thesis we aim to investigate: The colonization, growth and mortality of mussel larva (on natural and artificial substrate?) over a salinity gradient in the intertidal zone, by testing the overall hypothesis:
There are no differences in the colonization, growth and mortality of mussel larva (on natural and artificial substrate) over a salinity gradient in the intertidal zone.
The master thesis will comprise experimental design, field experiments and data analysis. The following parameters can be collected: Temperature, salinity, seston?, mussel metrics, predators and photos (abundance, size distribution and predators).

The field work will be conducted in two periods with an overall duration of approx. 12-16 weeks:
1.    Spring to summer – deployment of collectors and collecting settlement mussel larva
2.    Summer – monitoring colonization, growth and mortality of mussel larva

The MS requires basic marine biological and ecological knowledge.

Contact persons at the HI/IMR: Tore Strohmeier (mob 907 20 754; tore.strohmeier@hi.no) / Antonio Aguera (mob 948 80 039)

Physiological responses in mussels to natural variation in salinity 

Mussels are osmoconformers and reside in salinities ranging from 4 psu to fully marine conditions. Mussel feeding rate may be similar for populations living under different salinities, but when transferred to a marked change in salinity the feeding rate drop. The time to acclimate feeding rate (and to recover respiration rate) to control values is dependent on the extent of the salinity change and may exceed several weeks. There is currently a lack of knowledge on the acclimatization of mussel feeding physiology to the natural variation in salinity encountered in estuaries and fjords. 

In this MS study we aim to investigate the mussel feeding and respiration rate in a natural environment (e.g. in situ) that inhabit short term fluctuations in salinity. As this experimental approach do not control other environmental factors known to impact mussel physiology (e.g temperature and food) it requires frequent measures of physiological rates and environmental stimuli over several events of stimulus. 

The master thesis will comprise experimental design, field experiments and data analysis. The following parameters can be collected: Temperature, salinity, food/seston, physiological rates and mussels. 

The field work will be conducted in the inner part of the Hardangerfjord during spring and summer (approx. 10-12 weeks) using the IMR mobile physiological laboratory and instrumentation. 

The MS requires basic marine biological- and physiological knowledge, life history of marine invertebrates and basic statistical skills.

Contact persons at HI/IMR: Tore Strohmeier (mob 907 20 754; tore.strohmeier@hi.no) / Antonio Aguera (mob 948 80 039)

Mussel larvae physiology under natural environmental conditions

There is a raising interest in understanding the distribution of mussels along the Norwegian coast and assessing the impact of their culture in fjord ecosystems. Modelling the spatial and temporal distribution of adult mussel and their larvae is key to understand the impact of blue mussels in fjord ecosystem. To obtain realistic models we need to understand mussel larval physiology, how long the larvae stays in the water column, how are the natural low seston conditions and physicochemical temporal and spatial gradients affecting the larval development and their potential distribution and competition with other important zooplankton species.

We have some knowledge already on mussel larval development, the role of food, and other environmental conditions. However, this information is not sufficient, it is based on laboratory experiments under controlled conditions that limit our understanding of the larvae feeding physiology and development.

This experiment will aim to develop a system to successfully culture larvae in a flow through setup using natural seston as food and exposing larvae to natural variations of food and physicochemical seawater parameters (temperature, salinity and pH) during a full mussel reproductive season. Other factors such as maternal provisioning and how it changes during the reproductive season may be considered.

The master thesis will comprise the formulation of specific hypothesis related to larval development of blue mussels, experimental design, take of measurements, data processing and statistical analyses. Experiments lasts from 3-6 weeks plus analyses, several experiments to focus on different hypothesis can be run during the reproductive season between May-August.

The MS requires basic marine biological- and physiological knowledge, life history of marine invertebrates and basic statistical skills.

Contact persons at HI/IMR: Tore Strohmeier (mob 907 20 754; tore.strohmeier@hi.no) / Antonio Aguera (mob 948 80 039)

Spatial distribution of blue mussels along a fjord coastal gradient.

The IMR has started to monitor the abundance of mussels over a fjord to coast gradient. These observations indicate recruitment of mussels may be happening along the whole shoreline, however stablished populations with several year classes are patchy. The monitoring effort initiated by IMR already comprises the assessment of presence/absence of mussels, cohort presence and other qualitative metrics of abundance at randomly selected stations along the fjord shoreline. An effort that will be continued during the coming year.  

Species distribution models (SDM) has proven a valuable tool to describe, predict and find drivers of species distributions. These models use of the concept of fundamental niche to assess the ranges and combinations of environmental (biotic and abiotic) that drives the observed patterns to predict the potential distribution of the species within the area of study.

In this MS, the student will analyze and develop SDMs for the blue mussels in Hardangerfjord, using the data gathered during the mussel monitoring program and diverse sources of spatial information on the Hardangerfjord environmental conditions (physical: depth, slope, temperature, salinity and biotic: primary production) 

The MS requires basic GIS skills and statistical analyses of spatial data using R.

Contact persons at HI/IMR: Tore Strohmeier (mob 907 207 54; tore.strohmeier@hi.no) / Antonio Aguera (mob 948 80 039)

FG Bunnfisk – Demersal fish

Kontaktperson: Jane Godiksen (jane.godiksen@hi.no)

Available Food Index

[Project is taken, but contact daniel.howell@hi.no if you are interested in projects involving computer simulations of fish populations]

IMR supervisor: Dr. Daniel Howell (daniel.howell@hi.no).

UiB supervisor: TBD

FG Bunnsamfunn

Contact person: Sigurd Heiberg Espeland  (sigurd.heiberg.espeland@hi.no

Assessing changes in invertebrate faunal communities in Norwegian eelgrass meadows

Seagrass meadows provide numerous ecosystem services, including sustaining biodiverse communities of fish and invertebrates. Invertebrate fauna are essential and important in ensuring proper functioning of eelgrass meadows. Seagrass meadows and their associated fauna are threatened by climate change, eutrophication, and other human activities. In Norway the most common seagrass is eelgrass (Zostera marina) which is found in shallow areas along the entire coastline but is relatively understudied compared to other ecosystems. At IMR, we are currently filling in gaps in our understanding of Norwegian eelgrass meadows. 

Shifts in eelgrass-associated faunal communities have been documented in many areas, including the Baltic Sea and Swedish Skagerrak coast. In this project, we will explore whether the same is true in southern Norway. Invertebrate epifauna and infauna were sampled in several eelgrass meadows near Arendal in 1999-2001, and in 2023-2024 we will resample the same areas to evaluate whether and how the faunal communities have changed. Field sampling will take place in June 2023, September 2023, November 2023, and April 2024.

The MSc student will

  • potentially join in field sampling (depending on timing)
  • sort and identify invertebrate epifauna (or infauna) samples in the laboratory
  • analyse the data to compare the communities over time (statistical analysis in R: diversity indices, multivariate analyses, functional traits, etc.)
  • link changes to human activities (climate change, eutrophication) 

The project is based at IMR Flødevigen research station (Arendal).

If interested contact: Karine Gagnon (karine.gagnon@hi.no

Heat wave and eutrophication impacts on eelgrass communities

Seagrass meadows provide numerous ecosystem services, including sustaining biodiverse communities of fish and invertebrates. Invertebrate fauna are essential and important in ensuring proper functioning of eelgrass meadows. Seagrass meadows and their associated fauna are threatened by climate change, eutrophication, and other human activities. In Norway the most common seagrass is eelgrass (Zostera marina) which is found in shallow areas along the entire coastline but is relatively understudied compared to other ecosystems. At IMR, we have just launched a new project titled “NORSE: Biodiversity in Nordic seagrass meadows – drivers, responses, and resilience”, which runs 2024-2027.

The NORSE project includes joint mesocosm experiments across northern EUrope to experimentally test the joint effects of climate change and eutrophication on eelgrass and associatedd eelgrass communities. In 2024, we will run a pilot experiment at the new IMR Flødevigen mesocosm facility, and joint experiments in 2025-2027. The experiments will run from May-September each summer. The exact setup of the different experiments is not yet decided, but there are opportunities for multiple MSc students to work within this project.
The MSc student(s) will:

  • have the opportunity to participate in planning the experimental design
  • join in field collection of eelgrass and associated invertebrates
  • assist in setting up and maintaining the mesocosm tanks
  • sample eegrass and biodiversity metrics in the mesocosms
  • analyse the data (statistical analysis in R)
  •  have the opportunity to be co-authors on peer-reviewed publications results from this project

The project is based at IMR Flødevigen research station in Arendal. Accomodation and office space are available for students at the station.
If interested contact:Karine Gagnon (karine.gagnon@hi.no

Various opportunities linked to the vast MAREANO benthic fauna visual and physical sampling dataset

The MAREANO program now has over 3000 videos of the seafloor around offshore Norway, and over 300 full sampling stations on soft bottoms with video, beam trawl, rothilsberg-percy sled, and grab data. All are spread across space but there are no repeat visits at present. This gives many opportunities for Masters projects, with the risk of the data collection stage removed.

Options include various ecological studies focussing on specific taxa or habitats, mapping studies defining biotopes or biogeography, research relating to vulnerable habitats of management interest, and taxonomic studies working with physical samples or imagery or linking the two. We can give support in aspects including traditional ecology, modelling (including some training), video analysis, artificial intelligence applications, and taxonomy. Please contact us to hear our latest ideas or discuss your own.
Contact person: Rebecca Ross (rebecca.ross@hi.no)

FG Fangst – Fish capture

Contact person: Svein Løkkeborg (svein.loekkeborg@hi.no

Quantifying the behaviour of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) during rod and line capture

Ensuring animal welfare during food production is a humane and legal obligation. Despite this, understanding of how animals are impacted by wild-capture fishing is limited. This represents a missed opportunity, because promoting welfare during capture can improve the sustainability, product quality, profitability, and ethical reputation of the fishing industry. Together with changing societal perspectives, this suggests an important role for animal welfare in the future of fisheries management.

In recent years, coastal power boats have used rod and line to capture Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in Norwegian waters. The nature of the gear (i.e. catching fish one-by-one) and the target species (i.e. whose market price is highly dependent on quality) means the fishery is well placed to transition towards welfare-responsible capture methods. To do so, however, requires a thorough understanding of how tuna respond to the stress of capture.

The aim of this MSc project is to quantitatively describe the behavioural response of bluefin tuna to rod and line capture. Cameras and accelerometers will be fitted to the gear to record fish behaviour during capture in the field. Of particular importance will be correlating behavioural states observed on camera to acceleration data. Data from this MSc project is expected to provide the basis for future development of new capture methods that promote welfare. Opportunities for the student to participate in research cruises in Autumn 2024 is likely.

Location: Fish capture research group, Institute of Marine Research - Bergen

Contact: Applicants should send a CV and a letter of application to: Neil Anders  and Mike Breen.

Can better control of trawl position relative to target fish improve catch success in acoustic trawl surveys?

Knowledge of fish stock sizes is a key element in sustainable fisheries management. The knowledge is needed to assess the state of the stock, investigate the effects of fisheries and to set future harvest levels. A common way of estimating fish stock size is by acoustic trawl surveys where acoustic energy is converted to fish abundance, with the help of samples of species composition and size distributions from trawl hauls. When schools or aggregations of fish are registered on the vessel mounted echosounder a sample of the fish is usually obtained by trawling. However, it can be difficult to catch the fish with the trawl several hundred meters behind the vessel, especially when fast swimming fish are targeted. Missed catches result in wasted effort and uncertainty in the trawl samples.

In this project the aim is to investigate whether catch success can be improved by better control of the trawl position relative to the targeted fish. Fish abundance estimated from acoustic data will be compared with catch size and related to trawl position. For better temporal and spatial resolution catch data will be obtained from a stereo-camera system mounted inside the trawl. The aim is also to investigate whether catch success is affected by species or school specific behaviour.

The project is part of a research-based innovation center, CRIMAC (www.crimac.no) financed by the Norwegian Research council. The student will collaborate with other MSc and PhD students in the center. Data for the project were collected in the Norwegian Sea ecosystem survey in May 2022 and there will be an opportunity to participate in a future survey for further data collection and for better understanding of the fishing operation and the monitoring methods.

Are you interested - contact: 
Maria Tenningen (maria.tenningen@hi.no) og/eller Nils Olav Handegard (nilsolav@hi.no).

FG Fiskeridynamikk – Fisheries dynamics

Contact person: Jon Helge Vølstad (jon.helge.voelstad@hi.no)

Robustness-analysis of fishery dependent estimates 

The IMR run several sampling programs to collect data from commercial fisheries, and provide estimates using a Bayesian modelling framework dependent on several use choices, such as categorization of fishing gears and post-stratification of spatial and temporal covariates. We wish to analyse the roboustness of estimates to user choices and sampling variation. The candidate will analyse results from different model configurations and assess the robustness of estimates and implications for interpretation. Some familiarity with Bayesian statistics and R will be required.

IMR-supervisor: Edvin Fuglebakk (edvin.fuglebakk@hi.no). 

Comparative study of estimators for non-probabilistic samples 

Practical constraints commonly lead to deviation from probabilistic approaches in sampling. This can be addressed with explicit modelling approaches, or with post-stratification and assumptive applications of traditional design-based estimators. These approaches come with different formulations of assumptions and different technical implications for estimation support systems. We would be interested in do a comparative study of such estimators for evaluating their practical utility and interpretability for non-probabilistic sampling of biological parameters from commercial fisheries.

IMR-supervisor: Edvin Fuglebakk (edvin.fuglebakk@hi.no).

Time series analysis of survey estimates 

The survey estimates are traditionally used as input to assessment models, but there could be simpler models serving as alternatives to the assessment models, which are worth pursuing. 

Suggested contact: Jon Helge Vølstad (jon.helge.voelstad@hi.no)

Deriving projections of fish stock state vectors from observations - A minimalisticassumptions approach.

Assessing the status of fish populations involves utilizing data from two primary empirical sources: scientific surveys and commercial catches. Typically, these observations are interconnected through distinct sub-models to define a set of state variables representing the number or biomass of fish across various age groups. The objective of this project is to develop a novel modeling approach for generating anticipated population trends, even when confronted with uncertain observations. The ingenuity of this approach lies in its reliance on a minimal set of assumptions, enabling:

  • A clear and straightforward modeling framework that seamlessly incorporates diverse data sources and their associated uncertainties.
  • A transparent correlation between the uncertainty inherent in the data and the uncertainty reflected in the forecasts of fish stocks parameters, as well as the subsequent management decisions informed by these projections.
  • An estimation process that remains independent of assumptions that cannot be verified.

Relevant background of student: Quantitative (math/statistics or quantitative ecology) and
good programming skills (Python/R/Matlab).
Supervisor: Sam Subbey (samuel.subbey@hi.no)

Simulating fish migration: Integrating environmental data, artificial neural networks, and individual-based modeling

We have developed a modeling framework for simulating capelin spawning migration in the Barents Sea, which is based on integrating artificial neural networks (ANNs) models, individual-based model (IBM), and environmental variables. The ANNs determine the direction of the fish's movement based on environmental variables such as temperature and ocean currents. The ANNs are trained by an evolutionary algorithm, whose fitness function is dynamically adapted based on the temperature and distance to the spawning route.

The goal of this project is to extend the framework to address key ecological questions, such as, the possible effects of climate change on migration patterns of species, and how this may affect fish recruitment and management. Applications to stocks in the Barents, and Norwegian

Relevant background of student: Machine learning, quantitative (math/statistics or quantitative ecology) and good programming skills (Python/R/Matlab)
Supervisor: Sam Subbey (samuel.subbey@hi.no)

Assessing consistency in estimates of population state vectors from multiple data sources

Data from scientific surveys and commercial catch statistics are the main input to most models used in assessing the state (number or biomass) of fish stocks. Combining these data sources can be problematic due to potential biases arising from different sampling methods. For instance, fisheries surveys may focus on specific areas or time periods, while catch statistics might not accurately reflect overall fishing efforts. This amalgamation of biased data can lead to skewed or inaccurate assessments of stock state and size.

An alternative strategy involves obtaining assessments of stock state and size separately from each data source, and using e.g., management parameters, as the basis for determining the most likely solution. The problem (determining stock size independently from each data source) is computationally non-linear and underdetermined.

The goal of the thesis is to investigate a few computational approaches to solving the underdetermined problem, which potentially lead to empirically plausible solutions. Thederived computational framework will be applied to stocks on the Barents Sea.

Relevant background of student: Quantitative (math/statistics or quantitative ecology), good programming skills (Python/R/Matlab); basic course in mathematical/statistical optimization
Supervisor: Sam Subbey (samuel.subbey@hi.no)

Exploring the Application of a Distribution Model for Planning Scientific Surveys in the Barents Sea

We have developed a method for predicting where and when a certain marine species will be found, using data that counts how many of the species are observed in various places over time. The method involves a mathematical model that combines two parts: the first part deals
with cases where no species are observed (the "zero-inflated" part), and the other part deals with cases where the species is observed (using a Poisson distribution). Both parts of the model are influenced by additional information about the environment. The existing computer program efficiently calculates the predictions based on this model, and we have demonstrated that this method works even with missing data or when the observationlocations and times are non-uniform.

The goal of the thesis is to investigate the use of this model in planning scientific surveys for e.g., stocks on the Barents Sea. We shall examine the performance of such an approach using projections of environmental data and compare the model performance to historical survey observations.

Relevant background of student: Quantitative (math/statistics or quantitative ecology), good programming skills (Python, R or Matlab).
Supervisor: Sam Subbey (samuel.subbey@hi.no)

Fiskeri som matkilde for sjøfugler

Norske farvann og den norske kysten er viktige områder for Europas sjøfuglebestander. I hekkesesongen trekker cirka 2 millioner par sjøfugler inn til den norske kysten og 3 millioner par til Svalbard for å pare seg. Dessuten er cirka 25% av Europas sjøfuglbestander hjemmehørende i norske havområder (Bærum, et.al. 2021). Norge er også en av Europas største fiskerinasjoner, med nesten 6000 aktive fiskefartøy som årlig fisker til sammen rundt 2,5 millioner tonn fisk, hovedsakelig i norske farvann (Fiskeridirektoratet, 2022). Svært mange av Europas sjøfuglbestander er i nedgang (Barrett et al., 2006, 2014), og forskning har påpekt at fiskeri kan ha hatt en medvirkende effekt på noen sjøfuglbestander som følge av utilsiktet bifangst og dødelighet, spesielt fra fiskeriene som bruker garn eller line som redskap (Fangel
et.al., 2015). Kommersielle fiskefartøy er også en viktig matkilde for noen arter sjøfugl som beiter på slo, avskjær og bifangst som blir kastet på havet. I de siste ti årene har det vært økt fokus på forskning og dokumentering av dødelighet av sjøfugler i enkelte fiskeri, men relativ lite forskning på utkast av fisk og fiske-avskjær som matkilde for sjøfugler. Kun en tidligere publisert artikkel om temaet som dekker norske farvann (Garthe et.al. 1996). Samtidig har norsk fiskerinæring gjennomgått store endringer i praksis med utkast og håndtering av avskjær og slo om bord (såkalt biprodukter). Stadig flere fiskefartøy fører nå hele fisken til land istedenfor å kaste biproduktene ut igjen på havet.

HI har i flere år samarbeidet med Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA) i sin forskning på utilsiktet bifangst av sjøfugler og plast i havet, og vil starte et nytt samarbeid for å forske på fiskeri som en matkilde for sjøfugler. Som masterkandidat vil du bidra med å analysere
fiskeristatistikk for å kartlegge utkast av biprodukter fra norsk fiskeri i rom og tid, og sammenligne dette med kunnskapen om livshistorie for ulike sjøfuglbestander.

Kontaktpersoner: Tom Clegg (tom.clegg@hi.no), Tom Williams (tom.williams@hi.no), Kjell
Nedreaas (kjelln@hi.no) or Jon Helge Vølstad (jon.helge.voelstad@hi.no). Det vil også bli oppnevnt en ekstern veileder fra NINA.

Garthe, S., Camphuysen, K, Furness, RW 1996. Amounts of discards by commercial fisheries and their significance as food for seabirds in the North Sea. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 136, 1-11.

FG  Fôr og ernæring - Research group Feed and Nutrition

Contact person: Nina Liland (nina.liland@hi.no

We study the uptake and utilization of nutrients and effects of diets on health and performance in aquaculture fish. In principle, all our running research projects in the research program can be available for master student studies.

Investigating the requirements for micronutrients in Lump sucker (Cyclopterus lumpus). IMR-supervisor: Øystein Sæle (oystein.saele@hi.no)

Investigating the requirements for micronutrients in Ballan wrasse (Labrus berggylta). IMR-supervisor: Øystein Sæle (oystein.saele@hi.no)

Applying a gut sac model (from salmon) to investigate the impact of undesirables in feed, such as pesticides, on intestinal integrity. IMR-supervisor: Øystein Sæle (oystein.saele@hi.no

Requirement of vitamin and trace mineral for Atlantic salmon health

The new salmon health project REVITALISE offers opportunities for a master's thesis. Nutrition in freshwater and during the smoltification phase of Atlantic salmon is important. The need for micronutrients may be even higher than existing recommendations and maximum limits set by the EU. However, the health effects of micronutrients related to disease and other challenges are too poorly documented for salmon, which will be the main aim of this project. Using several feeding trials, the project aims to find the optimal levels of selected micronutrients for farmed salmon in different life phases, both under normal and challenging conditions. This will improve the salmon's ability to withstand stress and resist diseases. Link: https://www.hi.no/hi/nyheter/2023/januar/24-millioner-til-nytt-laksehelseprosjekt.

As part of the master thesis, you will have the chance to work practical and follow up experimental trials (e.g. at our research stations in Matre) and/or learn and perform analyses in the lab (e.g. nutrient analyses).

Interested in nutrition and salmon health? 
Contact researcher and project manager Nini Sissener (nini.sissener@hi.no) or researcher Anne-Catrin Adam (aad@hi.no).

Developing an extraction protocol of prostaglandins and leukotrienes from fish plasma and quantification by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry

Prostaglandins and leukotrienes, such as PGE2 and LTB4, respectively, are members of the lipid class of biochemicals derived from arachidonic acid by means of the cyclooxygenase enzyme. These substances are known for their varying physiological properties, pathological effects and association with inflammation and pain in human and animal models. Immunological assays (e.g., ELISA) are the most widely used methods for the estimation of prostaglandins due to their inherent sensitivity, inexpensiveness, and simplicity. The main drawbacks of these assays are their lack of specificity for complex biological fluids, such as plasma, trend to overestimate the levels of metabolites due to cross-reactivity and limitation to the detection of a single product at the time. 

The present research project aims at developing a rapid, simple, and efficient method for the extraction of PGE2 and LTB4 from fish plasma and subsequent quantification using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS). In this context, the determination relevant performance parameters such as selectivity, specificity, accuracy, precision, linearity, range, limit of detection, limit of quantitation, ruggedness, and robustness will be an essential part of the project. The developed extraction and quantification protocols will be included in the existing battery of analytical methods of the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) at Bergen. The student will gain theoretical and practical experience in experimental design, sample treatment, LCMS, analytical validation, and data analysis.

Contact researcher: Pedro Araujo, Pedro.Araujo@hi.no.

FG Fremmed- og smittestoff – Contaminants and biohazards  

Kontaktperson: FG-leder Monica Sanden (Monica.Sanden@hi.no)

Want to do your master’s thesis on antibiotic resistance? In collaboration between Institute of Marine Research (IMR) and University of Bergen (UiB). 

We have a master’s project in microbiology connected to the Res-Marine project funded by the Norwegian Research Council (NRC) funded , that aims at understanding the role of the marine environment in dissemination and emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The student will carry out isolation of bacterial pathogens from waste water, marine sediments and water samples, and carry out antibiotic susceptibility testing. The tasks would also include learning DNA sequencing and analysis of whole genome sequences (bioinformatic analysis). 

If interested contact Nachiket Marathe (nachiket.marathe@hi.no).

Master’s opportunity on Microplastic and antibiotic resistance.

Plastic pollution is a global environmental problem that is projected to increase in upcoming decades because of the upward trend in global production and consumption. MPs provide surficial substrates for the microorganisms to attach and form biofilms. Fish pathogens such as Aeromonas spp., Vibrio spp. and opportunistic human pathogens like E. coli are present in biofilms from marine plastics. Recently, previous master student on the project has characterized multidrug resistant pathogens and environmental bacteria present on marine plastics from western Norway, using whole genome sequencing. This work has led to 2 publications (Radisic et al., 2020; Radisic et al., 2021). The master’s project will focus on the role of microplastics in dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes and resistant pathogens in the marine environment. The student will carry out isolation of pathogens, DNA extraction and Whole genome sequence analysis. 

If interested contact Nachiket Marathe (nachiket.marathe@hi.no).

Master opportunity on microplastics in food. Microplastics are everywhere, in the fields, rivers, ocean, air, animals, food and in us. Recently, a first publication reported a correlation between the presence of plastic in arterial plaque with stroke and death. We have already detected microplastics in fish, where we find more small microplastics than large ones. We wonder what other sources of microplastics there are to our diet. Maybe some sources can easily be dealt with. We want to investigate the production of microplastic particles by plastic spice mills, which are common in Norwegian households and compare the amount added by those on a meal with the amounts we find in seafood. This master thesis will offer the opportunity to learn methods for chemical identification, particle size characterization and quantification of microplastics and to modify/develop the wet chemistry of extracting microplastics from food. It will teach you the principles of contamination avoidance. There is nalso the opportunity of adding other food items if time allows. You should have a background in chemistry, environmental chemistry, biochemistry or similar.
If interested contact Tanja Kögel (tanja.kogel@hi.no).

Masterstudents for the topic above and below may work closely together.

Master opportunity in methods comparison for microplastic analysis.

The world has recognized the importance to regulate plastics production and pollution. A global agreement on ending plastic pollution is under production and a revised version will be discussed within April 2024 in Ottawa, Canada at the INC-4 (international negotiation committee). Directives have set binding monitoring demands for EU member states and Norway usually implements such directions in the national management. All this is happening while analysis methods for smaller microplastics are still immature, and very expensive. Cheaper reliable methods are not available, imposing financial capacity problems to the field and excluding communities with lower funding from such research opportunities. One easier method is the staining Nile Red, a lipophilic dye that also stains other fatty particulates or organelles. In this master thesis we offer the opportunity to compare the number and size profile of microplastic isolated from food and analysed by high end methods with this low-budget method, to characterize the reliability of both methods. This master thesis will offer the opportunity to learn methods for
 chemical identification, particle size characterization and quantification of microplastics and to modify/develop the wet chemistry of extracting microplastics from food. It will teach you the principles of contamination avoidance. You should have a background in chemistry,environmental chemistry, biochemistry or similar. If interested contact Tanja Kögel (tanja.kogel@hi.no).

Kjemi- og fremmedstoff-lab – Chemistry and Undesirables Lab

Kontaktperson:Seksjonssjef Bergitte Reiersen (Bergitte.reiersen@hi.no)

Title: Quantification of microplastic polymers using artificial intelligence (AI) approach based on random decision forests and thermoanalytical analysis using pyrolysis associated with gas chromatography mass spectrometry (PY-GCMS)
Studies have shown the adverse impact of microplastics (MP) in the marine environment. There is a significant challenge in MP measurements due to the lack of standardized methods, resulting in difficulties in comparing results across studies because researchers use different protocols. To comprehend the distribution of MP in the marine environment, it is essential to develop robust, reliable selective and sensitive methods for measuring MP. In this project, we will develop, examine, and compare methods for microplastic analysis. Subsequently, these methods will be utilized to study the occurrence of MP in fish and shellfish.
Kontaktperson: Jennifer Gjerde, Jennifer.Gjerde@hi.no 

FG Marin toksikologi – Marine toxicology

Contact person: forsker Marc Berntssen (marc.berntssen@hi.no

In recent years, in the global food market fraud and adulteration is increased violating consumers' safety. The food products available in the market are highly processed; therefore, difficult to identify the species or tissue origin by visual inspection. Molecular tools, i.e., PCR, genome sequencing, barcoding, and proteomics can be used to identify species from highly processed samples. Among the established methods, DNA methods are accurate and precise but unable to identify the tissue origin of the food sample.

Our present study will implement an untargeted shotgun proteomics approach for species and tissue authentication from food and feed samples with the spectral library method. The approach is independent of any genomic information and is easy to implement on non-model species lacking such information. To implement this method for routine analyses across various laboratories, we want to create a spectral library database with bioinformatics tools and would like to involve a student with bioinformatics or biotechnology expertise. This database will use a tool to match any given food or feed spectra to all the available libraries and help to identify the origin of the sample. All the required proteomic data is collected by us (Institute of Marine research); libraries were built for sample matching and testing food and feed samples of interest. Making these libraries available online as a database will benefit regulatory agencies to use this approach for routine analyses. Besides authentication, the spectra data from the database can be used to establish a phylogenetic relationship between species by using a direct spectra comparison tool called ‘compareMS2’. 

Are you interested - contact: Madhushri Shrikant Varunjikar (madhushri.shrikant.varunjikar@hi.no)

FG Marin økosystemakustikk – Ecosystem acoustics

Contact person: Rolf Korneliussen (rolf.korneliussen@hi.no

Bootstrapping of acoustic-trawl surveys. Variance estimation of acoustic-trawl and swept-area survey estimates has received increasing attention with the on-going REDUS project (Reduced Uncertainty in Stock Assessment) at the IMR. Using the StoX software, the variance of the survey estimates can be estimated by bootstrapping echosounder and trawl data. This routine has however not been intensively tested with regards to number of bootstrap replicates, number of data points available and the stochastic nature of the data. Evaluating these bootstrap routines and suggesting alternatives would be a valuable contribution to the assessment of fish stocks. 
Suggested contact: Espen Johnsen (espen.johnsen@hi.no).

Image analysis of echosounder and sonar data. Machine learning initiatives have been initiated at the IMR for categorizing images of fish, seals and other organisms, and similar approaches are intended for acoustic data. Alternatively, traditional image analysis can be applied. 

Suggested contact: Nils Olav Handegard (nilsolav@hi.no).

Detecting internal waves in echosounder data

Waves in the ocean does not only occur at the surface. They are also commonly observed in the ocean interior as internal waves and are considered important features for vertical mixing of water masses.

For internal waves to exist, the ocean must be stratified. As such, the density must change with depth due to changes in temperature and/or salinity. If the density changes over a small vertical distance (as in the case of the thermocline) the waves propagate horizontally like surface waves, although at slower speeds due to the density difference across the thermocline interface. If the density changes continuously, the waves can also propagate vertically as well as horizontally through the ocean.

Uniformly scattered organisms and particles in the water column can be observed using scientific echosounders. If these scatters are located where internal waves occur, the wave patterns become visible on the echograms. Conversely, if no waves are present, the scatterers will be evenly distributed. The scatterers can then be used to detect internal waves in the water column.

The objective of the project is to develop a data mining algorithm that automatically locate the presence of internal waves from acoustic data. 

The One Ocean expedition are collecting acoustic data around the world, and this data set will be used as test case. IMR has also a large database of historical acoustic data that also can be mined for these features and can be used as a complementary option. 

The project is associated with the One Ocean expedition (https://oneoceanexpedition.com/), the Center for Research-based Innovation in Marine Acoustic Abundance Estimation and Backscatter Classification (https://crimac.no/)  and the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center.

Are you interested - contact: Nils Olav Handegard (nilsolav@hi.no) and/or Johnny A. Johannessen (johnny.johannessen@nersc.no).

FG Oseanografi og klima – Oceanography and climate

Contact person: Jan Erik Stiansen (jan.erik.stiansen@hi.no)

Klimatrender i kyst- og fjordstrøk: Kombinere målinger fra Hardangerfjorden og faste overvåkningsstasjoner på kysten med NorKyst800, modellarkiv med 800 m oppløsning langs hele norskekysten 1995-2020, for å identifisere endringer i det fysiske miljøet og mulige konsekvenser for fjordøkosystemene.
Kontaktperson: Mari S. Myksvoll (mari.myksvoll@hi.no)
Arbeidssted: Bergen

Utslipp fra rør til det marine miljø: Lage en matematisk modell for spredning av utslipp fra renseanlegg og industri til det marine miljø, basert på kjente empiriske formler. Modellen kan testes mot profiler i det eksisterende modellarkivet NorKyst800 for å diskutere konsekvenser av f.eks. storskala utbygging av landbaserte oppdrettsanlegg.
Kontaktperson: Pål Næverlid Sævik (paal.naeverlid.saevik@hi.no)
Arbeidssted: Bergen

Studere hvilke effekter økt ferskvannstilførsel i Polhavet har på hydrografi og sirkulasjon ved å bruke en regional havmodell (NEMO-NAA10km). 
Predicting the Future of the Arctic Ocean is a Non-Linear Story: Can a stronger river inflow actually increase the salinity of the Arctic?

The Oceanography & Climate Research team at IMR has designed a new regional ocean model based on the NEMO Ocean Engine, a community Ocean Model publicly available (check links below), that represents the thermo-haline dynamics of the Arctic Ocean. This ocean model permits to conduct cool experiments, such as for example study what happens if one increases the river inflow to the Arctic basin. Figure 9 (in the enclosed article) shows what happens if one increases the river inflow to the Arctic basin by 4% over a period of 50 years: the surface salinity of the Arctic Ocean becomes lower in most places, but actually becomes higher in the central region of the Arctic. Why is this possible? How can putting more freshwater lead to areas of higher salinity? What are the implications for the Arctic Ocean in a changing climate? If you like to brainstorm on non-linear problems you can help us answer these questions! 

Links: The NEMO Ocean Engine, an Open Source Ocean Model anyone can download https://www.nemoocean.eu/.  An article with detailed results on our Arctic Ocean simulations using the NEMO Ocean Engine https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2021JC017270 

Contact person: Robinson Hordoir (robinson.hordoir@hi.no

FG Pelagisk fisk – Pelagic fish

Contact person: Espen Johnsen (espen.johnsen@hi.no)  


Lodde er den desidert viktigaste pelagiske bestanden i Barentshavet, og svært viktig for både økosystemet og for fiskerinæringa. Kvart år gjev Havforskingsinstituttet kvoteråd for lodde basert på akustiske estimat frå eit omfattande tokt om hausten. Over dei siste 5 åra har ei heilt ny overvaking om vinteren blitt testa ut, og det viser seg at dei akustiske målingane av lodde i enkelte tilfelle er svært ulik det som er forventa. Dette kan ha stor påverknad på rådgjevinga. 

I denne masteroppgåva er målet å finna ut om dei uventa akustiske målingane er knytt til ulik størrelse på svømmeblæra. Studenten vil arbeida med akustiske data samla inn i felten, og fryste prøvar av lodde som vil bli scanna eller undersøkt med røntgen for å tallfesta morfologi og kvantifisera om det er samanheng mellom svømmeblære-størrelse og akustisk respons.

Capelin acoustics

The capelin is a key species in the Barents Sea efficiently linking low-trophic zooplankton with high trophic predators. It is also harvested commercially and each year IMR provides advice on catch quota based on acoustic estimates of capelin from research surveys. Recently a new winter monitoring of capelin has been tested out, and it has been revealed that the acoustic response from capelin is sometimes very different from what is expected, which can potentially strongly bias biomass estimates. In this proposed master, the aim is to find out whether the unexpected acoustic response is linked to a changing size of the swimbladder. The student will work with acoustic data collected in situ and frozen samples of capelin that will be scanned or X-Rayed to quantify swimbladder size and investigate whether there is a link between swimbladder size and observed acoustic response.

Contact person: Georg Skaret (georg.skaret@hi.no

Validation of 1st winter ring in otoliths of blue whiting

Calcified structures such as otoliths are usually used for age reading of fish and their size is clearly related to fish length (Smoliński and Berg, 2022). However, identifying the first annual growth zone, also called winter ring, is the most challenging part for age readers. Misidentification would lead to over-/under-estimation of age which impacts stock assessment. For blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou), the problem has been highlighted during the latest age reading workshop. Therefore, the aim of this project is to validate the 1st winter ring in blue whiting. Otoliths of young-of-the-year (YOY) and potentially 1-year-old blue whiting should be measured monthly over a year covering the winter season. Measurements will be used to provide an estimate where the 1st winter ring should be deployed in an otolith. Furthermore, this can be combined with more complex otolith shape analysis as well as weight measurements of otoliths.

During this project, you will learn how to apply growth measurements of calcified structures used for age reading. This includes both, technical methods like photographing and measuring of growth increments as well as statistical analysis. You might have the possibility to sample your own material during a survey in the Norwegian Sea during summer.

Keywords: blue whiting, growth trajectories, Norwegian Sea, otoliths, age validation

Supervisor: Florian Berg, Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Bergen, Norway; telephone: +47 94209887; e-mail: florian.berg@hi.no
Co-supervisor: Arild Folkvord, Department of biological science, University Bergen, Norway; e-mail: arild.folkvord@uib.no

FG Plankton 

Kontaktperson: FG-leder Kjell Gundersen (kjell.gundersen@hi.no)

Mengden av raudåte i Norskehavet.

Raudåte (Calanus finmarchicus) utgjør hovedmengden av dyreplanktonet i Norskehavet, hvor den beiter på planteplankton, mens den selv er viktig som byttedyr for fiskelarver og voksen pelagisk fisk som sild og makrell. Raudåta overfører dermed energi fra primærprodusentene og oppover i næringsnettet og gir et viktig bidrag til den høye produktiviteten i Norskehavet. De siste årene har det også vært et fiskeri på raudåta. For å kunne overvåke og forvalte bestanden på en god måte, ønsker Havforskningsinstituttet å forbedre bestandsestimatene og øke forståelsen av raudåtas dynamikk i Norskehavet i tid og rom. Modellen Norwecom (Hjøllo et al., 2012) beregner raudåtebestanden basert på den totale dyreplanktonbiomassen, som igjen er inndelt i ulike størrelsesfraksjoner. Ulike stadier av raudåta fordeler seg i de ulike størrelsesfraksjonene. Vi har derimot begrenset kunnskap om hvor mye raudåta utgjør av biomassen i de ulike størrelsesfraksjonene gjennom året. Modellen bruker gitte antakelser av hvor mye raudåta utgjør av dyreplanktonbiomassen (Skjoldal et al., 2004), men disse er usikre og gir ikke rom for variasjon gjennom året. 

Masteroppgaven går ut på å forbedre beregningene over hvor stor andel raudåta utgjør av den totale dyreplanktonbiomassen i Norskehavet gjennom hele året. Dette gjøres ved å sammenstille og analysere tilgjengelige opparbeidede dyreplanktondata for biomasse og art, benytte kjente stadievekter fra litteratur, bestemme usikkerhet i estimat etc. Kandidaten bruker de nye estimatene i Norwecom modellkjøringer for bl.a. å oppdatere bestandsestimatene. Det kan være muligheter for kandidaten å delta i relevant toktarbeid. 

Kontaktpersoner: Cecilie Broms (cecilie.thorsen.broms@hi.no) og Solfrid Sætre Hjøllo (solfrid.hjollo@hi.no)

Dyreplankton i Norskehavet – metodesammenligning

Dyreplankton er et viktig bindeledd mellom primærproduksjon og høyere trofiske nivå i marine næringskjeder, og innsamling av dyreplankton er en standard komponent i Havforskningsinstituttets toktprogram. Bruk av mikroskopi for identifisering av arter og telling av individer er den tradisjonelle måten for opparbeiding av dyreplanktonprøver. Arbeidet er imidlertid tidkrevende, som gjør at kun et lite utvalg av alle prøver som er samlet inn blir opparbeidet. Nyere bildeteknologi (FlowCAM imaging microscope) og maskinlæring muliggjør mer effektiv prøveopparbeiding samt andre type data fra prøven (bl.a. individstørrelse), men på bekostning av taksonomisk oppløsning. Formålet med denne masteroppgaven blir å analysere dyreplanktondata fra Svinøy-snittet i Norskehavet, hvor prøvene har blitt opparbeidet med både tradisjonell mikroskopi og FlowCAM. Studenten vil få innsikt i begge metodene for prøveopparbeiding, og fokuset blir på å vurdere hvor sammenlignbare disse metodene er og styrker/svakheter ved hver av de. Det kan være mulighet til å delta på tokt for å få erfaring med innsamling av dyreplankton. Mastergradsstudenten må beherske bruk av R, samt ha grunnleggende kunnskap om statistiske metoder.
Kontaktpersoner: Johanna Myrseth Aarflot (johanna.aarflot@hi.no), Magnus Reeve (magnus.reeve@hi.no), Cecilie Thorsen Broms (cecilie.thorsen.broms@hi.no)

FG Reproduksjon og utviklingsbiologi – Reproduction and developmental biology

Kontaktperson: FG-leder Anna Troedsson Wargelius (annaw@hi.no).

FG Sjøpattedyr – Marine mammals

Contact person: Martin Biuw (martin.biuw@hi.no)

Analyser av allerede innsamlede data av hvalarter. Kontaktperson: Nils Øien (nils.oien@hi.no).

FG Økosystemprosesser – Ecosystem processes 

Contact person: Mette Skern-Mauritzen (mette.mauritzen@hi.no).

Diettanalyser 0-gruppe torsk gjennom kritisk fase Skagerrak. Innsamlet materiale, men studenten kan bli med på tokt. To oppgaver. HI-veileder: Tore Johannessen (tore.johannessen@hi.no).

Eksperimentelt oppsett for å teste konkurranse mellom stillehavøsters fucus-arter ift. kolonisering av hardbunn. HI-veileder: Anders Jelmert (anders.jelmert@hi.no). 

Økosystembasert høsting av rekefjorder inkl. modelleringsverktøyet ECOPATH. I dette prosjektet kan det bli aktuelt med masterstudenter i flere arbeidspakker. HI-veiledere: Guldborg Søvik, guldborg.soevik@hi.no, Kjell Nedreaas, kjelln@hi.no; Bérengère Husson, berengere.husson@hi.no  og Lis Lindal Jørgensen (lislin@hi.no).

Arktiske Calanus-arter i norske fjorder  

Dyreplankton har en viktig rolle som link mellom primærprodusenter og høyere trofiske nivå i marine næringskjeder. Kopepoder i Calanus-slekten er særlig tallrike dyreplankton i nordiske hav og arktiske økosystem, og med høyt fettinnhold anses de gjerne som nøkkelarter bl.a. for planktivore predatorer som sild, makrell og lodde. Historisk sett har man koblet utbredelsen av Calanus-arter med ulik kroppsstørrelse til ulike temperaturforhold: store arter (C. glacialis og C. hyperboreus) i kaldt, arktisk vann og den mindre C. finmarchicus i atlantisk vann med høyere temperaturer. Flere nyere modell- og genetikk-studier har imidlertid utfordret denne oppfatningen og vist at arktiske arter også transporteres til, og kan overleve i atlantiske forhold, samt at de arktiske artene er mer utbredt i norske fjorder med atlantiske forhold enn tidligere antatt. 

I denne masteroppgaven er formålet å studere fjordpopulasjoner av arktiske Calanus-arter. Vi vil ta utgangspunkt i fjorder med forekomster av C. glacialis og/eller C. hyperboreus og bruke eksisterende resultater fra en økosystemmodell (NORWECOM.E2E) for å se på om disse er isolerte fjordpopulasjoner, samt kvantifisere utvekslingen med mer oseaniske Calanus-populasjoner. Dette er viktig for å øke forståelsen av lokale økosystemer i norske fjorder, samt den overordnede forståelsen for utbredelsen av Calanus på våre breddegrader. Mastergradsstudenten må beherske bruk av R, Python eller Matlab, samt ha interesse for økologisk modellering.

Kontaktpersoner: Morten D. Skogen (morten.skogen@hi.no) og Johanna M. Aarflot (johanna.aarflot@hi.no)

Bruk av modeller for å vurdere prøvetakning etter EUs vannrammedirektiv 

Norge er etter innføringen av EUs vannrammedirektiv forpliktet til å overvåke miljøtilstanden i kystvann og fjorder, for å dokumentere klimaendringer og fange opp uønskede menneskelige påvirkninger som eutrofiering. Prøvetakningen omfatter blant annet målinger av fysiske (temperatur, salinitet) og biokjemiske parametere (næringssalter, oksygen, planteplankton), og prøvene tas ved faste stasjoner inntil 12 ganger per år. En generell utfordring med in situ prøvetakning er at det er kostbart og har lav oppløsning i rom og tid. Til eksempel så omfatter Økokyst, det nasjonale overvåkningsprogrammet for kystvann, totalt 253 stasjoner som skal informere om miljøtilstanden langs en kystlinje på om lag 25 000 km. Samtidig så vet vi lite om hvor gode enkeltobservasjoner er til å informere om miljøtilstanden i et større område eller faktiske endring over tid – dvs. hvor representative dataene er for det vi ønsker å måle. 

Modeller har høyere oppløsning både i rom og tid, og kan derfor brukes som et verktøy til å vurdere kvaliteten på enkeltobservasjoner, samt levere utfyllende informasjon som naturlige variasjoner for de ulike måleparameterne. I denne masteroppgaven er formålet å bruke tilgjengelige modelldata til å vurdere representativitet av in situ-målinger som benyttes i rapportering på miljøtilstand bl.a. til EU og OSPAR. Masterkandidaten må beherske bruk av R, Python eller Matlab og håndtering av større datasett. Kunnskap om statistikk er en fordel, men ikke en forutsetning.

Kontaktpersoner HI: Johanna M. Aarflot (johanna.aarflot@hi.no) og Morten D. Skogen (morten.skogen@hi.no

See also https://www.hi.no/hi/forskning/student-som-vil-bli-havforsker 

Study programme: Fisheries biology and Management / Marine biology

Energy and lipids in capelin 0-group fish in the Barents Sea: Study the spatial variations and the role the zooplankton distribution has for the energy status and lipid composition in different ocean currents (Atlantic, mixed sone and Arctic waters).

Supervisor University of Bergen:

  • Prof. Arild Folkvord (BIO), email: arild.folkvord@uib.no, phone: 55584456
  • Supervisor Institute of Marine Research:
  • Georg Skaret (Institute of Marine Research), IMR: georg.skaret@hi.no, phone 65161038
  • Sonnich Meier (Institute of Marine Research, IMR): sonnich.meier@hi.no, phone 47272166
  • Other Collaborations at IMR (Elena Eriksen, Erling Kåre Stenevik, Geir Odd Johansen).


To compare the energy status and fatty acid composition of capelin 0-group fish caught in different areas of the Barents Sea and relate it to the zooplankton distribution.


The Barents Sea is an important nursery area for many of the commercial important fish in Norwegian water. In 2022 high numbers of fish larvae and early juveniles were observed in the Barents Sea. However, there was also observed low abundances of large Calanus copepods, and it is therefore a question if there will be enough high-quality prey for the fish larvae/early juvenile to build up a good energy storage to survive the first winter.  

The aim of this study is to compare the energy status measured by energy density and lipid content of 0-group capelin. In addition will the fatty acids composition be analyzed in 0-group capelin and different zooplankton as biomarkers of prey selection.

Climate changes are affecting the recruitment of the fish in the Barents Sea (Skjoldal et al., 2022), and we wish to establish a baseline study on energy content in different 0-group fish that can be used for measure potential changes with changing in water temperature in the future.

During the ecosystem cruises in autumn 2022 have there been collected a large sample material of 0-group fish: Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua), Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), Saithe (Pollachius virens), Caplin (Mallotus villosus) and Polar cod (Boreogadus saida). In addition, have there been collected samples of important prey organism (copepods and other zooplankton). We aim for several master theses analyzing different species.

Method: Capelin 0-group fish shall be measured (length, body weight), and after being freeze dried the lipid amount will be quantified, and the fatty acid composition will be analyzed by gas chromatography (Meier et al., 2006). Energy density will be analyzed by calorimetry.


An interest in ecology of fish at early life stages and interactions between environment, fisheries, and other human activities. The work will involve combining marine biology with analytical chemistry. The candidate will work in a team together with technician from the chemistry laboratory at IMR and will be given training in different lipid detecting methods (direct metanolysis and gas chromatography, lipid extraction and lipid classes analysis by HPLC), as well as multivariate data exploration and analysis.

Map of the Barents Sea
Fig 1. Map of the Barents Sea with the main ocean currents (Atlantic water - red, Arctic water - blue, coastal water - green).


Overview over 44 stations with capelin 0-group collections
Fig 2. Overview of the 44 stations where capelin 0-group fish have been collected.

Meier, S., S. A. Mjøs, H. Joensen and O. Grahl-Nielsen (2006). "Validation of a one-step extraction/methylation method for determination of fatty acids and cholesterol in marine tissues." Journal of Chromatography A 1104(1-2): 291-298.

Skjoldal, H. R., E. Eriksen, H. Gjosaeter, O. Skagseth, D. Prozorkevich and V. S. Lien (2022). "Recruitment variability of fish stocks in the Barents Sea: Spatial and temporal variation in 0-group fish length of six commercial species during recent decades of warming (1980-2017)." Progress in Oceanography 206.

Energy and lipids in cod 0-group fish in the Barents Sea: Study the spatial variations and the role the zooplankton distribution has for the energy status and lipid composition in different ocean currents (Atlantic, mixed sone and Arctic waters).

Study programme: Fisheries biology and Management / Marine biology
Supervisor University of Bergen: Prof. Arild Folkvord (BIO), email: arild.folkvord@uib.no, phone: 55 58 44 56
Supervisor Institute of Marine Research:
Elena Eriksen (Institute of Marine Research), IMR: elena.eriksen@hi.no, phone 908 13 570
Sonnich Meier (Institute of Marine Research, IMR): sonnich.meier@hi.no, phone 472 72 166
Other Collaborations at IMR (Georg Skaret, Erling Kåre Stenevik, Geir Odd Johansen).
To compare the energy status and fatty acid composition of cod 0-group fish caught in different areas of the Barents Sea and relate it to the zooplankton distribution.
Background:The Barents Sea is an important nursery area for many of the commercial important fish in Norwegian water. In 2022 high numbers of fish larvae and early juveniles were observed in the Barents Sea. However, there was also observed low abundances of large Calanus copepods, and it is therefore a question if there will be enough high-quality prey for the fish larvae/early juvenile to build up a good energy storage to survive the first winter.  

Climate changes are affecting the recruitment of the fish in the Barents Sea (Skjoldal et al., 2022), and we wish to establish a baseline study on energy content in different 0-group fish that can be used for measure potential changes with changing in water temperature in the future.

The aim of this study is to compare the energy status measured by energy density and lipid content of 0-group cod. In addition will the fatty acids composition be analyzed in 0-group cod and different zooplankton as biomarkers of prey selection.

During the ecosystem cruises in autumn 2022 have there been collected a large sample material of 0-group fish: Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua), Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), Saithe (Pollachius virens), Caplin (Mallotus villosus) and Polar cod (Boreogadus saida). In addition, have there been collected samples of important prey organism (copepods and other zooplankton). We aim to have several master theses analyzing different species.

Method: 0-group Cod shall be measured (length, body weight and liver weight), and the otolith shall be removed for age measurement. After being freeze dried, the lipid amount will be quantified, and the fatty acid composition will be analyzed by gas chromatography (Meier et al., 2006). Energy density will be analyzed by calorimetry.

Prerequisites: An interest in ecology of fish at early life stages and interactions between environment, fisheries, and other human activities. The work will involve combining marine biology with analytical chemistry. The candidate will work in a team together with technician from the chemistry laboratory at IMR and will be given training in different lipid detecting methods (direct metanolysis and gas chromatography, lipid extraction and lipid classes analysis by HPLC), as well as multivariate data exploration and analysis.

Map of the Barents Sea with the main ocean currents
Fig 1. Map of the Barents Sea with the main ocean currents (Atlantic water - red, Arctic water - blue, coastal water - green).
Overview of the 44 stations where 0-group cod have been collected
Fig 2. Overview of the 44 stations where 0-group cod have been collected.


Meier, S., S. A. Mjøs, H. Joensen and O. Grahl-Nielsen (2006). "Validation of a one-step extraction/methylation method for determination of fatty acids and cholesterol in marine tissues." Journal of Chromatography A 1104(1-2): 291-298.

Skjoldal, H. R., E. Eriksen, H. Gjosaeter, O. Skagseth, D. Prozorkevich and V. S. Lien (2022). "Recruitment variability of fish stocks in the Barents Sea: Spatial and temporal variation in 0-group fish length of six commercial species during recent decades of warming (1980-2017)." Progress in Oceanography 206.

Energy and lipids in Herring 0-group fish in the Barents Sea: Study the spatial variations and the role the zooplankton distribution has for the energy status and lipid composition in different ocean currents (Atlantic, mixed sone and Arctic waters).

Study programme: Fisheries biology and Management / Marine biology
Supervisor University of Bergen:Prof. Arild Folkvord (BIO), email: arild.folkvord@uib.no, phone: 55584456

Supervisor Institute of Marine Research:
Erling Kåre Stenevik (Institute of Marine Research), IMR: erling.stenevik@hi.no, phone 4790813570
Sonnich Meier (Institute of Marine Research, IMR): sonnich.meier@hi.no, phone 47272166
Other Collaborations at IMR (Georg Skaret, Elena Eriksen, Geir Odd Johansen).

Objective: To compare the energy status and fatty acid composition of herring 0-group fish caught in different areas of the Barents Sea and relate it to the zooplankton distribution.

Background:The Barents Sea are an important nursery area for many of the commercial important fish in Norwegian water. In 2022 high numbers of fish larvae and early juveniles were observed in the Barents Sea. Especially were the 0-group of Atlantic herring very abundant and distributed over most of the Barents Sea. This may be promising for recruitment of new strong year classes of herring (Hi.no).  However, there was also observed low abundances of large Calanus copepods, and it is therefore a question if there will be enough high-quality prey for the fish larvae/early juvenile to build up a good energy storage to survive the first winter.  

Climate changes are affecting the recruitment of the fish in the Barents Sea (Skjoldal et al., 2022), and we wish to establish a baseline study on energy content in different 0-group fish that can be used for measure potential changes with changing in water temperature in the future.

The aim of this study is to compare the energy status measured by energy density and lipid content of o-group herring collected in the Barents sea in August/Semptember2022. In addition will the fatty acids composition be analyzed in o-group herring and different zooplankton as biomarkers of prey selection.

The energy and lipid composition of o-group Herring collected in November 2022 and (1 year-old) herring collected in February will also be analysed to establish the “energy coast of overwintering.

Method: Herring o-group fish shall be measured (length, body weight), and the otolith shall be removed for age measurement. After being freeze dried, the lipid amount will be quantified, and the fatty acid composition will be analyzed by gas chromatography (Meier et al., 2006). Energy density will be analyzed by calorimetry.

Prerequisites: An interest in ecology of fish at early life stages and interactions between environment, fisheries, and other human activities. The work will involve combining marine biology with analytical chemistry. The candidate will work in a team together with technician from the chemistry laboratory at IMR and will be given training in different lipid detecting methods (direct metanolysis and gas chromatography, lipid extraction and lipid classes analysis by HPLC), as well as multivariate data exploration and analysis.

. Map of the Barents Sea with the main ocean currents
Fig 1. Map of the Barents Sea with the main ocean currents (Atlantic water - red, Arctic water - blue, coastal water - green).
Overview of the 46 stations where herring o-group fish have been collected.
Fig 2. Overview of the 46 stations where herring o-group fish have been collected.

Meier, S., S. A. Mjøs, H. Joensen and O. Grahl-Nielsen (2006). "Validation of a one-step extraction/methylation method for determination of fatty acids and cholesterol in marine tissues." Journal of Chromatography A 1104(1-2): 291-298.
Skjoldal, H. R., E. Eriksen, H. Gjosaeter, O. Skagseth, D. Prozorkevich and V. S. Lien (2022). "Recruitment variability of fish stocks in the Barents Sea: Spatial and temporal variation in 0-group fish length of six commercial species during recent decades of warming (1980-2017)." Progress in Oceanography 206.

Økotoktet: Er en ny sterk sildeårsklasse på vei? | Havforskningsinstituttet (hi.no)